Research Article | Open Access2022|Volume 4|Issue 4| https://doi.org/10.37191/Mapsci-2582-3736-4(4)-142

Comparison of the Effectiveness of Orthodontic Treatment with Adenotonsillectomy Procedures in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)

Harun Achmad1*, Iramayanti Kas2, Sitti Susilawati2, Dewi Kurniyanti2, Sarwo Edy2, Dewi Meilyana2 and Indira Ayu2

1Lecturer of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

2Resident Student of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: Harun Achmad, Lecturer of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

ReceivedAug 5, 2022RevisedAug 15, 2022AcceptedAug 18, 2022PublishedAug 29, 2022

Background: Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA) is a syndrome of total or partial obstruction of the airways, leading to significant disturbances with varying clinical impact. In children, the main cause is thought to be overgrowth (hypertrophy) of the tonsils and adenoids, as well as structural abnormalities in Pierre Robin and Down Syndrome. The airway structures are significantly narrowed in children with head-face bone abnormalities or craniofacial anomalies, causing them to experience airway obstruction even in the absence of adenoid hypertrophy. The incidence of OSA in children needs to be observed as well as rising risk factors such as obesity. Pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is typically treated with an adenotonsillectomy and the use of orthodontic procedures including rapid maxillary expansion and mandibular advancement devices. Each approach has different treatment advantages. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of OSA treatments have been reported, however there have been relatively few comparisons of various treatments. In a systematic review of the evidence for the efficacy of AT and orthodontic treatment, Templier et al. concluded that combined AT orthodontic treatment (RME and/or MAD) was more effective than either therapy alone for treating OSA in pediatric patients.

Objective: To systemically analyze the literature on the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with adenotonsillectomy surgery in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and to identify differences in the two treatments’ effectiveness.

Conclusion and implications: The effectiveness of adenotonsillectomy, orthodontic treatment, and orthodontic treatment combined with adenotonsillectomy was assessed in children with mild OSA and mandibular retrognathia. That study, which needed a large sample size (352 children) and had a high dropout rate, revealed that combine orthodontic adenotonsillectomy (RME and/or MAD treatment) was more effective when given simultaneously than when given individually for treating OSA in pediatric patients. To date, the effectiveness of these two treatments cannot currently be compared due to a lack of strong evidence. If the treatment outcomes were unsatisfactory at 7 months after the initial treatment, subjects could receive further treatment following assessment by a stomatologist and ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist.

Limitations: Of the 10 publications included in this review, 8 were randomized controlled trials, the remaining 2 non-randomized research journals were vulnerable to many biases that impair the certainty of the evidence gained, especially by confounding factors and the lack of control groups.


The most common clinical entity among the variety of sleep-related respiratory problems in both adults and children is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), is characterized by the recurring whole or a portion of the upper airways being blocked during sleeping, despite ongoing respiratory efforts [1-6]. The pharyngeal wall narrows or collapses as a result of upper airway blockage brought on by poor tongue and/or airway dilator muscle motor tone during sleep. This generates microarousals and oxyhemoglobin desaturation, which promotes sleep fragmentation and loud snoring [7-8]. Due to its high prevalence, which is currently estimated to impact approximately 1 billion people worldwide, causes significant morbidity and mortality, there is no doubt that OSA is becoming a huge public health issue, while it also places a considerable financial and social burden on the healthcare system and society as a whole [9-10].

The symptoms of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), neurocognitive and behavioral problems, and mood disorders are among the most severe effects of daytime OSA. Furthermore, it is undeniably no longer a coincidence that OSA has emerged as a distinct cardiovascular and metabolic disorders such hypertension and coronary artery disease are at risk, and endothelial dysfunction that results in myocardial ischemia, cardiac arrhythmias, and stroke. Additionally, it has been demonstrated to support or aggravate type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance, and dyslipidemia [1,11]. Numerous genetic, craniofacial-anatomical, neuromuscular, and inflammatory variables are involved in the pathophysiology of OSA, and each of these factors contributes differently depending on the patient [6]. Pediatric patients are a particular concern among those afflicted. Neurobehavioral, cognitive, cardiovascular, and metabolic morbidity are all linked to pediatric OSA. According to reports, this condition affects 2%–3% of the general population. Enlargement of lymphoid tissue, such as tonsils and adenoids, along with impaired growth and weight increase, which is a developmental anomaly, is considered the most significant factor causing OSA in children. Obesity also seems to play a role [12-16]. Children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy brought on by OSA should receive an adenotonsillectomy as their initial course of treatment, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. However, obese children may have more severe OSA than non-obese children, may not respond well to this procedure, and may experience risks if it is carried out [14,17]. The role of the microbiota in the development and severity of OSA is receiving increasing attention. Previous studies have reported that the development of OSA, obesity, and hypertension is influenced by the gut microbiota. Additionally, intermittent hypoxia and systemic inflammation have been linked to the gut microbiota [15]. Considering that there isn’t a clear association between body weight status, the lymphoid tissue size, and the severity of OSA in pediatric patients, various pathophysiological mechanisms either by themselves or in conjunction with obesity have been proposed. One of the most often proposed pathways, systemic inflammation, has been suggested to affect the severity of OSA and related comorbidities. An Israel study reported increased somatic growth after adenotonsillectomy (AT) associated with decreased systemic inflammation and increased caloric intake, suggesting the coexistence of systemic inflammation and OSA-related morbidity [12].

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a condition with varied degrees of severity, from main snoring to its occurrence (OSA). Compared to kids who don't snore, kids who have primary snoring have greater rates of social issues and signs of anxiety and despair. Due to the upper airway impairment caused by adenotonsillar hypertrophy, OSA prevalence peaks in preschoolers [16]. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises scheduling OSA tests in conjunction with regular physical examinations. Children who exhibit typical symptoms (such snoring, restless sleep, or daytime hyperactivity) or risk factors (including craniofacial, neurological, or genetic problems) may be investigated for the diagnosis, which should then be verified by nightly polysomnography [18]. Expanded tonsils, adenoid level, body mass index (BMI) z-score, and diastolic blood pressure are among the risk factors for pediatric OSA (DBP) [16]. The choice to treat children with OSA is made based on the child's age, the severity of their symptoms, clinical findings, the existence of other disorders, and PSG results [19]. Increased nasal resistance affects the maxillomandibular skeleton by inhibiting growth and causing adaptive changes in soft tissues that are linked to anomalies in jaw position and tongue function. The nasomaxillary and mandibular complexes modify how they function as a result of nasal airflow limitation. The mouth opening and mouth breathing that happens both during waking and sleep evolved in the research group of newborn rhesus monkeys associated with increased nasal resistance. Other unfavorable results were mouth breathing that developed along with lack of development, which damaged the maxilla and restricted the nose and maxilla, as well as mandibular displacement, which led to mouth breathing. The skull bone narrows as a result of these modifications [20]. General observation of the patient precedes the physical examination. It is important to think about adenoid facies and mouth breathing. Muffled sounds are a sign of adenotonsillar hypertrophy, but hyponasal noises are a sign of nasal blockage. Retrognathia, micrognathia, and midfacial hypoplasia should all be checked for on the lateral facial profile. All of these symptoms are crucial for diagnosis and have an impact on the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal tracts. SDB may be predisposed by having a wide tongue, a high or long arching palate, or a low hanging palate. These qualities should be examined in the oral cavity [21]. Currently, invasive breathing treatments like Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP), surgical procedures Invasive procedures, such as tongue suspension and adenotonsillectomy, as well as non-invasive ones, such the use of orthodontic appliances, are used to treat obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA). Recent studies have shown that orofacial anatomic abnormalities, including as a high palatal arch, a hypotonic tongue, and weak lip muscles, can impair orofacial growth in children with OSA. These abnormalities cause upper airway obstruction. Numerous studies have demonstrated the value of myofunctional therapy movement training for increasing tongue, throat, and facial muscle tone, which can enhance minimize airway constriction by taking advantage of the orofacial structures' anatomical space [22].

Non-adherence to CPAP use in the first 6 months is a basic characteristic of children prescribed therapy with CPAP. Our study found that after adjusting for all other variables and considering potential for overfitting, the characteristics most likely to be independently associated with greater CPAP therapy non – adherence were older age and higher oxygen nadir, whereas those most likely associated with lower non – adherence were high arousal index, developmental delay, and asthma [23]. CPAP therapy tolerance is a very complicated topic that depends on a number of variables. Examples of physical characteristics include disease severity, symptom alleviation, underlying neurological diseases, and nose structure. Depression, anxiety, and the locus of control are all psychological problems. Last but not least, problems with the device itself, like mask leaks, skin abrasions, and nasal congestion, can make it difficult to use [24]. Adenotonsillectomy is currently, one of the first-line therapies for pediatric OSA (AT). A child's OAHI (obstructive apnea-hypopnea index) of greater than 5 events/hour has moderate to severe OSA. has a very significant clinical impact. Adenotonsillectomy is the most typical course of treatment for children with a polysomnographically or clinically verified history of OSA. The two anatomical areas where airway blockage is most usually brought on by hypertrophy are the thyroid and adenoids. Adenotonsillectomy improves snoring, OSA, enuresis, behavior, and growth, according to numerous research. Surgery is the chosen course of treatment for moderate to severe juvenile adenoid and/or tonsil hypertrophy when the results of endoscopic examination or evaluation of the upper airway (including the nose, nasopharynx, oropharynx, laryngopharynx, and larynx) are consistent with the condition OSA (according to the 2012 American Academy of Pediatric guidelines) [25-29]. The evaluation of surgical indications should also take into account the child's symptoms and the expectations of the parents. Both parents and kids need to be fully aware of the dangers and advantages of surgery. It is essential to fully explain to them the realistic expectations for surgical outcomes as a result. It's also crucial to be ready for any Anesthesia-related complications, postoperative respiratory failure, hemorrhage, velopharyngeal insufficiency, nasopharyngeal stenosis, pain, and dehydration are examples of perioperative problems [25,27].

Although the benefits of adenotonsillectomy on sleep parameters, metabolic syndrome, and neurocognitive disorders are well known, its efficacy is not universal and complete in all patients. Being overweight or obese and the severity of OSA as determined by the preoperative AHI are risk factors linked to the incidence of residual OSA. In fact, with a prevalence range between 40% and 76%, the persistence of residual OSA is 4-5 times more common in obese children than in non-obese children. Children who are obese experience more perioperative and postoperative complications [22]. To assess any lingering sleep apnea, postoperative polysomnography (PSG) or portable instrument monitoring are advised. If more therapy is required, noninvasive positive pressure ventilation or orthodontic devices could be considered [25].

Kids who experience OSA Chronic upper airway obstruction, increased anterior facial heights, improper maxilla-mandibular retrusion, and abnormal dental morphology such as crowding of the maxilla and mandible, a high arch, and a tiny palate are all symptoms of forward head positions. For the past ten years, children with OSAS who have orofacial anomalies have had access to dental and orthodontic treatment alternatives. Dentists may be involved in the early diagnosis of OSAS in youngsters [27]. Orthodontic therapies, such equipment for mandibular advancement or rapid maxillary expansion (RME) (MADs), can successfully cure juvenile OSA in some children. For kids with maxillofacial anomalies, it can be used as an adjuvant. The RME orthodontic technique enlarges the mid-palatal suture with an inflated dental tool placed in the mouth near the hard palate to increase the transverse diameter of the hard palate. In growing children, rapid maxillary expansion (RME) can be use orthopedically to treat maxillary contractions. RME leads to maxillary transverse expansion and opens the median palatine suture. Nasal breathing is assisted by its balanced occlusion, expanded nasopharyngeal airway, and decreased nasal resistance. The tongue is stated to move anteriorly as a result of RME. By reopening the median palatal junction for an orthodontic effect, maxillofacial surgeons and orthodontists performed surgically assisted RME on adult individuals. Surgery can be used to advance the maxillomandibular complex (MMA) in the sagittal plane, which increases the size of the upper airway and muscle tone (maxilla-facial relevance). It also has an indirect effect on where the mandible is placed. By moving the mandible and tongue forward, MADs widen the upper airway [25,30].

Orthodontic treatment for children with OSA seeks to lessen the condition's severity, expand the airway, and improve airflow. Mandibular advancement using intraoral appliances (IOAs) and maxillary orthopedic expansion are two orthodontic treatment options (RME). PSG findings suggest that airway patency may be improved after orthodontic therapy.

Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) helps kids with OSA breathe more easily through their noses by examining the impact of orthopedics on the maxilla, boosting the lingual position's rebound, expanding the nasopharynx's volume, and stimulating the growth of the maxillary complex. The secret to a successful pediatric OSAS treatment is airway expansion. According to the authors, it is useful as a supplemental therapy for adenotonsillectomy in order to achieve long-term stability. The goal of mandibular advancement devices (MAD) is to move the jaw forward and backward in order to activate the airway dilator muscles. The following consequences of MAD use in OSAS treatment provide justification for their efficacy: a decrease in apnea/hypopnea values together with a brief improvement in OSA measures. Due to the mandible's forward position and the decreased airway flexibility, the velopharyngeal airway's lateral dimension increased. Genioglossus muscle activation with an improvement in the stability of the upper airway Skeletal growth and dentoalveolar alterations are caused by a change in the neuromuscular system's interaction with the craniofacial structure, which includes both the skeleton and the dentition [30].


Information sources

Data is gathered through electronic search. Google Scholar, PubMed, Cochrane, Wiley, and Science Direct were used as the sources for the data searches, and the data were collected using a publication time range of 2012-2022.

The following keywords were used to gather the data: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME), Mandibular Advancement Device, Adenotonsillectomy, Child.

Search criteria

A. Inclusion Criteria

• Articles published from 2012-2022

• Articles published online

• Articles in the form of research journals and those related to Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME), Mandibular Advancement Device, Adenotonsillectomy, Child.

• Articles in English

B. Exclusion Criteria

• Articles under 2012

• Articles cannot be accessed

• Articles not related to the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with adenotonsillectomy procedures in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

• Articles in the form of books, literature reviews, and systematic reviews, and meta-analysis.

• Articles in Indonesian or other language than English

Data collection

Secondary data were used in this literature review. Data were obtained from articles which were then reviewed based on the criteria made by the author. The screening stages can be seen in the diagram below (Figure 1).

Picture 1.png

Figure 1: The stages for collecting secondary data and screening.

Systematic review

Based on search results using search engines and using keywords, 158 articles were obtained. The search results were then screened and selected by title, the abstract was adjusted according to the exclusion and inclusion criteria, and 137 articles were excluded. The full text of the remaining 21 articles were reviewed and excluded 11 articles for the following reasons: unrelated to the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with adenotonsillectomy procedures in children with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The remaining 10 articles will be reviewed in this systematic review and were included into the synthesis table (Table 1).


Adenotonsillectomy (AT), braces, the use of medication, constant positive airway pressure, and weight loss are among the traditional therapies for pediatric OSA. Regarding the management of OSA, there is, however, no patent opinion. Although multiple studies have revealed that this treatment may not be as effective as expected, adenotonsillectomy is the preferred way of treatment because Adenotonsillar hypertrophy is the primary factor causing OSA in children. According to reports, AT's effectiveness can range from 27.2% to 82.9%. Numerous studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of AT in treating OSA; nevertheless, there may still be a residual apnea hypopnea index (AHI) in some patients, particularly obese children. The truth is that the cause, degree, and timeline of elevated upper airway resistance are anticipated to influence the final therapy decision. Currently, orthodontic methods are commonly used in pediatric OSA as an alternative to or in conjunction with AT. The two most widely utilized orthodontic equipment are Mandibular Advancement (MA) and Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) Devices (MADs). By enlarging the nasal cavity and widening the maxilla, RME is a therapy that helps kids with OSA breathe through their noses more easily and improve their tongue position. MADs can expand the upper airway as well as the forward migration of the jaw and hyoid bone. Numerous studies have demonstrated the steady long-term efficacy of RME and MAD in the treatment of juvenile OSA when used in the clinical setting, such as the Frankel and Twinblock apparatus [31].

An extensive analysis of cognitive and behavioral testing, sleep, and sleep quality was conducted as part of a significant, randomized, controlled trial for the treatment of children obstructive sleep apnea. complaints. School-aged OSA patients without protracted oxyhemoglobin desaturation who underwent surgical adenotonsillectomy after a 7-month intervention period compared to kids in the watchful-waiting group, did not noticeably improve in clinical appearance or performance as shown by neuropsychological tests. But after surgery, the patient's conduct, quality of life, polysomnographic findings, and symptom alleviation all improved substantially. Despite the fact that 46% of kids who received watchful-waiting group also saw a resolution of their polysomnographic abnormalities, adenotonsillectomy appeared to ameliorate the bulk of children's (79%) findings. Obese children who were randomly assigned to have an adenotonsillectomy operation showed higher symptom reduction, behavioral improvement, and polysomnographic improvement compared to the watchful waiting group [32].

Journal and Year
International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology 77 (2013)1805–1810
Zeng J; Gao X
“Upper Airway Changes After Rapid Maxillary Expansion: A Prospective CBCT Study”
“This prospective study's goal was to use CBCT to look into how the upper airways changed following fast maxillary growth”
“With 4,6-banded hyrax expanders, 16 kids (10 boys, 6 girls) with a mean age of 12.73 years and a mean RME treatment duration of 1.73 years therapy. Two spins a day were made on the screws. The activation duration varied from 2 to 3 weeks depending on the expansion quantity (2.7-6.3mm). Prior to (T1) and three months following (T2) expansion, CBCT pictures were taken in an upright position with the patients' heads held in a fixed position. The program EZ3D2009 was used to process each and every CBCT data set. After the CBCT images were orientated, the upper airway's volumetric, areatric, and linear characteristics were all measured and computed. Both the one-way ANOVA and the student paired t test were used.
After enlargement, the nasal floor and lateral widths increased by 1.6, 1.5, and 1.6mm and 1.3, 1.7, and 1.4mm, respectively, from the anterior to the posterior region, while the molar-to-molar width increased by 4.4 1.3mm and the molars tipped 6.2 6.28. Additionally, the front, 3 middle, and posterior parts did not differ from one another. The lower nasal capacity rose by 1348.5mm, or 8.1%, during time. The pharyngeal airway did not exhibit any improvement.
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. 2013(144;6)
“Katyal V; Pamula Y; Daynes CN; Martin J; Dreyer CW; Kennedy D; Sampson WJ”
Fast maxillary expansion with changes in quality of life in children with sleep breathing disorders: Craniofacial and upper airway morphology
The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of kids who may have sleep apnea, as determined in an orthodontic environment using Validated screening tools should be used to examine correlations with patients' upper airway and craniofacial morphology. Another objective was to assess the quality of life in connection to sleep disordered breathing for affected children who had rapid maxillary expansion to correct a palatal crossbite or increase a restricted maxilla.
581 children between the ages of 8 and 17 participated in a prospective case-control study at an orthodontic office. The individuals were categorized as either high risk or the results of a Validated pediatric sleep questionnaire with 22 items and the OSA-18 quality of life questionnaire scale suggest a small risk for sleep-disordered breathing. In the beginning, differences between the two groups' It was desired to include components for screening clinical examination, cephalometric evaluation, and dental cast analysis. Another version of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea-18 Quality of Life Survey was administered along with the appliance removal. which took place about 9 months after the removal of the appliance in ten children with rapid maxillary expansion. All information was collected without being aware of the survey results.
The high-risk group's quality of life scores showed an average improvement of 14% when compared to the low-risk group's children who had rapid maxillary expansion, while children in the low-risk group's quality of life in terms of sleep disordered breathing showed a tiny 1% worsening. (P=0.04). This normalization brought the high-risk children's quality of life scores to the baseline scores.”
BMJ Open 2022;12:e055964. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-055964
Li Y; Lu Y; Li X; Zhao L; Guo J; Yu L; Feng J; Li B; Li X; Liu Y
A non-inferiority randomised controlled study was carried out to contrast the efficacy of two treatments for kids with mild obstructive sleep apnea and retrognathia of the jaw. of orthodontic treatment and adenotonsillectomy.
Children who have significant OSA and dentofacial abnormalities will participate in this trial and receive either orthodontic therapy or AT surgery to treat their defects.
“The Standard Protocol Items were followed in the writing of the study protocol. Recommendations for reporting standards for interventional trials [25].”
The high-risk group's quality of life scores showed an average improvement of 14% when compared to the low-risk group's children who had rapid maxillary expansion, while children in the low-risk group's quality of life in terms of sleep disordered breathing showed a tiny 1% worsening. (P=0.04). This normalization brought the high-risk children's quality of life scores to the baseline scores.”
N Engl J Med. 2013 June 20; 368(25):2366–2376. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1215881.
Marcus CL; Moore RH; Rosen CL; Giordani B; Garetz SL; Taylor HG; Mitchell RB; Amin R; Katz ES; Arens R; Paruthi S; Muzumdar H; Gozal D; Thomas NH; Ware J; Beebe D; Snyder K; Elden L; Sprecher RC; Willging P; Jones D; Bent, JP; Hoban T; Chervin RD; Ellenberg SS; Redline S
Adenotonsillectomy in a Randomized Trial for Pediatric Sleep Apnea
We anticipated that early adenotonsillectomy would produce better results in Obstructive sleep apnea in children without delayed oxyhemoglobin desaturation than judicious waiting and supportive treatment.
"We randomly assigned 464 children with obstructive sleep apnea, aged 5 to 9, to either an early tonsillectomy or a wait-and-see strategy. Polysomnographic, Results in terms of cognition, behavior, and health were evaluated both at the beginning and seven months later.”
“The Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment's attention and executive function score, which ranges higher scores, ranging from 50 to 150, imply greater functioning, had an average baseline value that was similar to the population mean of 100, and based on the research group, there was no discernible difference in the improvement between baseline and follow-up (mean [SD] improvement: 5.113.4 7.113.9 in the early-adenotonsillectomy group compared to 7.113.9 in the watchful-waiting group.) Compared to the group that was waiting and watching, the early-adenotonsillectomy group experienced noticeably larger Improvements in behavior, quality of life, polysomnography, and symptoms were significantly reduced. More children were part of the early-adenotonsillectomy group than the watchful-waiting group. did (79% vs. 46%) had their polysomnographic abnormalities normalized.
PEDIATRICS Volume 135, number 2, February 2015
Garetz SL; Mitchell RB; Parker PD; Moore RH; Rosen CL; Giordani B; Muzumdar H; Paruthi S; Elden L; Willging P; Beebe DW; Marcus CL; Chervin RD; Redline S.
“Quality of Life and Symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnea FollowingPediatric Adenotonsillectomy”
The objectives were to assess modifications in validated quality of life (QoL) and symptom measurements between children who were randomly assigned to undergo an adenotonsillectomy or to wait it out; to ascertain whether baseline OSAS severity, race, or weight had an investigate the relationship changes in QoL or symptom severity and OSAS severity. impact on symptoms and changes in QoL
Adenotonsillectomy or supportive care while you wait were randomly assigned to children with OSAS aged 5 to 9.9 (N=453). The following tests were carried out: Measures used to evaluate children's quality of life include the The polysomnography, the Pediatric Quality of Life inventory, the Sleep-Related Breathing Scale from the Pediatric Sleep Questionnaire, the 18-item Obstructive Sleep Apnea QoL instrument, and the modified Epworth Sleepiness Scale are all examples of measures used to assess quality of life in children. Changes in the QoL and symptom surveys were compared between arms. Examined were the connections between variations in polysomnographic measurements and QoL or symptoms, as well as how race and obesity affected the effectiveness.
“Children randomly assigned to receive adenotonsillectomy showed greater improvements in the majority of QoL and symptom severity measurements, such as the Pediatric The results of the modified Epworth Sleepiness Scale, the 18-item Life Inventory for Obstructive Sleep Apnea QoL completed by parents, the sleep-related breathing scale from the Sleep Questionnaire, and other measures. (ES:–1.35). Obesity or baseline severity did not affect effect modification, but race was found in several symptom measurements. Only a minor part of the observed changes was explained by reductions in OSAS severity.”
SLEEP 2016;39(11):2005–2012.
Paruthi S, Buchanan P, Weng J, Chervin RD, Mitchell RB, Dore-Stites D, Sadhwani A, Katz ES, Bent J, Rosen CL, Redline S, Marcus CL
Effect of adenotonsillectomy on drowsiness as reported by parents in kids with OSA
In the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial, parents of children with polysomnography Both early tonsillectomy (eAT) and attentive waiting and caring support (WWSC)were offered to patients with (PSG)-confirmed obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (CHAT). We anticipated that six months following eAT, Compared to WWSC, children with OSA would see a greater improvement in drowsiness.
“Parents of kids between the ages of 5.0 and 9.9 years filled out the pediatric sleep questionnaire's sleepiness subscale as well as the kid-friendly version of the Epworth sleepiness scale (mESS) (PSQ-SS). Both the baseline and the 7-mo endpoint underwent PSG. On children, early WWSC or adenotonsillectomy was done.
24% and 53% of the sample were determined to be overly drowsy, respectively, by the mESS and PSQ-SS. The average PSQ-SS score was 0.44 and the average mESS score was 5.0 (SD), at the start of the study. Children who were African Americans, had lower sleep durations, were older, and were overweight had higher scores for drowsiness. The mean mESS at the endpoint score fell in the eAT group by 2.0 4.2 compared to the WWSC group by 0.3-4.0 (P=0.0001), and the mean PSQ-SS score reduced in the eAT group by 0.29-0.40 compared to the WWSC group by 0.08-0.40 (P=0.0001). Children of African American descent improved similarly to other children after having an adenotonsillectomy, despite having higher baseline drowsiness. Improvements in the apnea-hypopnea index or oxygen desaturation indices were only moderately related with an improvement in drowsiness; other polysomnographic parameters remained unchanged.
Sleep Research Society 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society. SLEEPJ, 2018, 1–8
Hodges E; Marcus CL; Kim JY; Xanthopoulos; Shults J; Giordani B; Beebe DW; Rosen CL; Chervin RD; Mitchell RB; Katz ES; Gozal D; Redline S; Elden L; Arens R; Moore R; Taylor GH; Radcliffe J; Thomas NH
In a randomized controlled trial, adenotonsillectomy was performed on youngsters of school age who have obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.The study looked at incidence, demographics, and changes in depressed symptomatology.
Children who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSAS)had their depressive symptoms after adenotonsillectomy (AT) compared to controls.
As part of the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT) multisite trial, 453 children aged 5 to 9.9 years who had polysomnographic symptoms of OSAS but no prolonged desaturation were offered the two treatment options of Early adenotonsillectomy (eAT) or supportive care and cautious waiting (WWSC).In this secondary analysis, 176 kids (eAT n=83; WWSC n=93) with thorough assessments of depressed symptomatology between the start of the intervention and seven months thereafter was included.
“The proportion of depressed symptoms relative to norms was measured using an exact binomial test, and through the use of linear quantile mixed models, the impacts of AT and OSAS resolution were assessed. Self-reported depression symptoms were unaffected by the therapy group assignment; however, they did get better over time (p 0.001). Parent ratings of children's anxious/depressive symptoms improved more for kids without remission of OSAS symptoms, including a small but unexpectedly positive interaction impact (p=0.030). Black children reported more severe depressive symptoms than non-black children (p=0.026), while parents of overweight or obese children reported more withdrawn/depressed symptoms (p=0.004). Desaturation nadir during sleeping was linked to depressive symptoms as reported by the individual (r=0.17, p=0.028), anxious/depressive symptoms as reported by the parents (r=0.15, p=0.049), and withdrawn/depressive symptoms (r=0.24, p=0.002) symptoms.”
Sleep Research Society 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Sleep Research Society. Sleep J 2021(44)1
Hartmann S; Bruni O; Ferri R; Redline S; Baumert M
Obstructive sleep apnea in children and their cyclic alternation pattern: Relationships with adenotonsillectomy, Behavior, Cognition, and Quality of Life
“To ascertain the impact of adenotonsillectomy (AT) on obstructive airway disease (OAD) in children: the cyclic alternating pattern (CAP) sleep apnea (OSA) and the link between CAP and behavioral, cognitive, and quality-of-life markers.”
Children who participated in the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT) who were Randomized trials comparing early AT to supportive care and careful waiting (eAT) for mild-to-moderate OSA had 365 overnight polysomnographic recordings with CAP parameters examined (WWSC). As part of the CHAT sampleWith a subset We also examined CAP in 72 kids with mild OSA (apnea-hypopnea index > 10). To ascertain the independent impact of changes in CAP on different outcome markers, causal mediation analysis was conducted.
When it comes to children with moderate OSA, when compared to the baseline, sleeping for longer periods of time in A1 phases was significantly associated with lower behavioral functioning (caregiver Conners' Rating Scale Global Index=0.25, p=0.036; caregiver Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Functioning). Lower quality of life (OSA-18=0.27, p=0.0) and function (BRIEF Global Executive Composite (GEC):0.24, p=0.042). Changes in CAP parameters between the eAT and WWSC groups were equivalent at the 7-month follow-up. Performance indicators for behaviour, cognition, and quality of life at the follow-up did not substantially differ between the CAP adjustments.
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Taddei M; Alkhamis N; Tagariello T; D’Alessandro G; Mariucci EM; Piana G
A home sleep study and cephalometric investigation of the impact of rapid maxillary expansion and mandibular advancement on children with Marfan's syndrome's upper airways.
In children with Marfan syndrome, the effects of rapid maxillary expansion and mandibular advancement are evaluated. utilizing the Propulsor Universal Light appliance the upper airways' cephalometric study on lateral radiographs, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale, and home sleep studies.
30 kids with Marfan's syndrome made up the study sample, and 30 matched, untreated kids made up the control group. At Prior to therapy, following fast maxillary growth in T1, and following treatment), data were collected on Marfan individuals (after mandibular advancement). Data were collected on control participants during three subsequent appointments, spaced equally apart: T0 (as an initial screening tool), T1 (after about 2 years), and T2 (close to the peak skeletal growth).
At T0 and T1, the study group's apnea-hypopnea rates and oxygen desaturations were both considerably greater than those of the control group. At T2, the results were not statistically significant (p value is 0.442 for both oxygen desaturation index (ODI) and apnea-hypopnea index [AHI]). At T0 and T1, but not at T2, Marfan's syndrome patients had considerably smaller (p values at T2:0.071 for Phw1-Psp, 0.106 for Phw1-Psp', 0.101 for Phw2-Tb, 0.559 for UAL in male and 0.560 for UAL in female) Horizontal airway dimensions and noticeably bigger vertical airway values.
Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2016 Jul 1;21 (4):e403-7.
Machado-Júnior AJ, Signorelli LG, Zancanella E, Crespo AN
A pilot study of a randomized controlled trial using a mandibular advancement device to treat paediatric obstructive sleep apnea
Evaluation of MAAs in kids with OSA was the goal of the current investigation.
Children were deemed to be apneic if their AHI was greater than or equal to one instance of apnea-hypopnea per hour. A random draw was used to divide this group of children with AHI levels more than or equal to one into two subgroups; half were assigned to the experimental subgroup, and the other half to the control subgroup. The maxillary and mandibular arches of each of the kids in the experimental subgroup were molded using common molds and molding supplies. The control group received no OSAS treatment and did not employ any intraoral devices. The MAAs utilized in this trial were designed to advance the mandible, which would correct the dental occlusion and mandibular position while potentially widening the airway and treating OSAS. After utilizing the mandibular advancement devices continuously for a full year, polysomnography Examinations for both the experimental and control groups were requested. subgroups using the same test protocols.
The difference between the results of the experimental and control groups values must be statistically significant. AHI levels were observed. The sample size—28 kids in all across the groups—was determined using these data. Conclusions: Compared to the group who did not use these devices, one year after employing mandibular advancement devices, the AHI decreased.

Table 1: Systematic details of papers from literature in a tabular form.

In order to assess the effectiveness of watchful - waiting adenotonsillectomy with supportive treatment, along with in order to assess the cognitive, behavioral, quality of life, and sleep parameters in kids with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome at 7 months of follow-up, researchers created the Childhood Adenotonsillectomy Trial (CHAT). There are conflicting results from studies on how well adenotonsillectomy works to treat obese youngsters. After surgery, 33% of children in the obese group had residual obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, which was probably less common than other studies had suggested trials since CHAS was solely restricted to preadolescents and excluded patients who were exceedingly fat. Children who were obese in both groups had lower frequencies of polysomnographic observations when compared to non-obese kids in CHAT. These results highlight the need for close observation of obese children after surgery and support a strategy of early tonsillectomy for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome physiological abnormalities and associated symptoms in both obese and non-obese children [32].

Even though they were collectively less likely to show normalization of the findings than children with less severe cases, children with more severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome showed larger absolute improvements in polysomnographic findings with early adenotonsillectomy than with watchful waiting. In situations of obstructive sleep apnea that are more severe, cognitive, behavioral, or symptom results did not differ between the two groups [32]. OSA, which has been linked to an elevated risk of cardiovascular disease and other systemic morbidities, affects 1% to 3% of children. behavioral issues have been connected to even mild sleep disturbances including disrupted breathing. issues in kids. OSA in children has also been linked to a lower quality of life in terms of health (QoL). According to studies, children with OSA score similarly to kids with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and have lower overall health related QoL scores than healthy kids. More than half of the children surveyed experienced moderate to substantial declines in disease specific QoL, according to a validated QoL instrument [33].

In this large, multisite, prospective, randomized controlled study of surgical adenotonsillectomy, key parent-reported measures of quality of life (QoL) and symptoms, or "patient-centered outcomes," significantly improved more in children treated with surgical adenotonsillectomy than in children treated with watchful waiting adenotonsillectomy procedures for OSA in children using polysomnography (PSG) parameters and measurement scales included in the Quality of Life (QoL) instrument for children (WWSC). The PSG indices of disease severity improved concurrently with improvements in QoL and OSA symptoms [33].

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults causes daytime sleepiness (EDS). However, it is rare for children to have DS. The prevalence of children's drowsiness, which was identified as an OSA characteristic, has been the subject of numerous investigations [34]. Children who had adenotonsillectomy for the treatment of pediatric OSA were compared to children who received WWSC in a randomized controlled trial., there was a significantly higher rate of parental comments of drowsiness on the mESS and PSQ-SS sleepiness questionnaires. African American children's drowsiness scores improved after having an adenotonsillectomy surgery, despite having higher baseline and endpoint sleepiness scores on the mESS than non-African American children without OSA. These findings may help parents of sleepy kids with OSA to think about examination and therapy because sleepiness can have a big influence on interpersonal connections, athletic performance, and academic success. AHI levels or physiological factors cannot reliably predict sleepiness, which emphasizes the significance of assessing sleepiness even in low AHI scenarios [34].

Although signs of stomatological attention disorder/hyperactivity were the behavior that was most commonly researched in kids with OSA, a rise in depressed symptoms has also been noted. There are contradictory findings on the link between depression and OSA in both adults and children, though. An intermediate impact size was reported between baseline depressed symptoms and OSA Depression symptoms in children with OSA were compared to controls before and after treatment in a recent meta-analysis of 11 studies having their tonsils removed (AT) [35].

The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), a caregiver-completed questionnaire designed to evaluate various aspects of children's behavioral, emotional, and adaptive functioning, and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), an accurate and well-validated self-report measure of depression symptoms in children, were used in the study to measure the depressive symptomatology. No noteworthy differences across groups or between groups and visits were found in the research evaluating the effects of OSA treatment on depressive symptoms, showing that the AT and from baseline to follow-up, depressed symptoms varied similarly across WWSC groups. Adolescent Behavior Checklist (CBCL) The study measured depressed symptomatology using the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), a valid and thorough self-report tool for evaluating depression symptoms in children. Using the Children's Depression Inventory, a caregiver can assess a child's behavioral, emotional, and adaptive functioning. No significant group differences or significant interactions between group and visit were found in the research of how OSA treatment affected depression symptoms, showing that the AT and WWSC groups experienced similar changes in depressive symptoms from baseline to follow-up [35].

Traditionally, the manual of sleep evaluation originating with the American Academy of Sleep Medicine was used to evaluate sleep, which later accepted and amended the guidelines of Rechtschaffen et al (AASM). Electroencephalographic Arousals are characterized by rapid changes in the EEG that last at least three seconds. in the AASM assessment. These definitions do not account for the 1 to 2 second activity seen in youngsters. This might reduce the therapeutic value of standard macrostructural evaluations in young patients. The analysis of cyclic alternating patterns (CAP) is a technique for determining the microstructure of sleep. In the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stage, It records often occurring dynamic changes in EEG amplitude and frequency. The times of high brain excitability represented by these patterns of repeated activation phases are separated by occasional background periods. Conventional sleep staging cannot disclose the fragmentation of NREM sleep, but the co-occurrence of CAP with physiological and pathological processes does. Prior studies on the association between CAP and pediatric populations Children almost always have less synchronized slow-wave activity with severe illnesses compared to children in health. Some of these conditions include narcolepsy, sleep disordered breathing (SDB), and cognitive deficits [36].

Changes in CAP parameters between baseline and follow-up for kids in the AT and WWSC groups for the entire CHAT population can be used in randomized controlled research to ascertain the impact of adenotonsillectomy on CAP. The average CAP level increased in both therapy groups, going from 1% to 4%. Both the 46% of children randomly assigned to WWSC and the 79% of children treated with AT demonstrated normalization in PSG data from CHAT (specified as AHI 2 or an episode-per-hour obstructive apnea index score).

Furthermore, the CHAT experiment found no noticeable change in cognitive capacity between children who got AT and those who received WWSC. As neurocognition in children was closely correlated with other indicators like CRP levels or urinary neurotransmitters, these findings are similar with prior studies that found no appreciable change in cognitive function following AT. There was the absence of improvement in cognitive function and the slight difference in AHI change between treatment groups possibly explain why there was no improvement in CAP measures after AT compared to watchful waiting (WWSC) [36]. Both orthodontic therapy and AT may have a therapeutic impact for children with OSA, a significant amount of which is caused by tonsil mandibular retrognathia and adenoid hypertrophy, but a comparison of the two effects has not yet been submitted to further research. For kids with mild OSA brought on by mandibular retrognathia, previous studies have evaluated the effectiveness of orthodontic therapy with AT. The results demonstrated that, despite the inability to distinguish between the two therapies' curative benefits, improvements in subjective symptoms, polysomnographic data (PSG), and the dimensions of the airway sections underwent substantial changes following orthodontic therapy and AT. On the one hand, it was found that AT had a limited impact on dentofacial development and that it was only effective if done before the age of 6. Because of this, many kids with OSA still need orthodontic care after AT in order to remove any remaining AHI and rectify dentofacial abnormalities. Adenoids and tonsils, on the other hand, are regarded as a pathogen barrier and disease warning indicator. Additionally, risks from regular surgery and trauma may be connected to AT. The use of AT is a topic of intense discussion among medical experts [31].

Angell originally developed rapid maxillary expansion (RME) in the 1860s to treat maxillary constriction. After then, it turns into standard orthodontic care. It is often carried out on a growing patient who has black corridor, posterior crossbite, and maxillary constriction. RME can assist widen the upper airway and enhance respiratory function, but more researchers are now realizing this. Cameron discovered that after 5 years of follow-up, nose breadth rose by A postero-anterior cephalogram was used to measure the participants' 4,16 mm and the controls' 1.52mm. RME was performed under Monini on a patient who had nasal obstruction, snoring, or maxillary constriction. The rhinomanometry data demonstrated that after expansion, nasal flow rose, and nasal resistance decreased [37].

The oropharyngeal airway may be somewhat narrowed in studies, while the nasopharyngeal airway shows no discernible changes. We assume there are a number of causes. First, it can be challenging to control the patient's respiratory stage, which has an impact on the airway's size. The standard deviation demonstrates that there is a significant variation between the samples. The average amount of expansion is roughly 4.4, 1.3 mm, which would not be sufficient to widen the pharyngeal airway. The molar's tip is likewise 6.2o, which will help offset the effect. The oropharyngeal airway may, however, have a propensity to oblongate and develop a little increased T/S. The shape of the pharynx may be altered in this way to improve breathing. However, the change is so slight that it has a minimal impact on respiratory function [37].

Children on the lighter end of the SDB spectrum who have received RME treatment have not yet been shown to experience changes in their quality of life as determined by the SDB score. Exams were conducted at T1 (the initial orthodontic examination) and T2 in one research (repeat examination after removal of the appliance about 7-9 months later). Despite the limited sample size at T2 and the need for caution when interpreting the findings, this study indicated an average 14% improvement in SDB-related Quality of Life scores with the RME appliance in the high-risk group, which fell slightly by 1%. The device, which affects oral hygiene and speech maintenance by reducing intraoral volume, The mandibular advancement apparatus utilized in a study with the MAA The Pedro Planas gadget and neuro-occlusal rehabilitation principles were used to build the apparatus. Two distinct acrylic plates, one mounted over the maxillary arch and the other over the mandibular arch, make up the mandibular advancement device. The occlusal area has two channels that enable the occlusion of the plates and subsequent advancement of the mandible. The lateral wall of the nasal cavity also shifts to the side when the midpalate suture is opened by the RME, enhancing nasal capacity and lowering upper airway resistance. The increased overall pharyngeal and retropalatal airway volume in the RME-treated youngsters could be attributed to their expanded nasal cavities. Objective assessments of the patency of the nasal airways include acoustic rhinometry and rhinomanometry., which measure nasal airway patency, showed that nasal breathing conditions improved up to 11 months after RME. Due to a lower tongue position caused by maxillary constriction, oral volume can also be reduced. In the supine posture, this reduction may be much greater. After maxillary expansion, it has been demonstrated that the lower tongue position improves. Patients with narrow maxillae may benefit from orthodontic widenings so that they can obtain support if their snoring persists or recurs because the maxillary width changes significantly after an adenotonsillectomy [38]. The mandibular advancement apparatus (MAA), one of the intra – oral appliance, has been used to treat OSA in children, although only a few research have investigated this method for OSA and there is no consensus on the use of MAA. Current limited evidence may suggest that MAA results in an increase in AHI scores but cannot conclude that MAA is effective for treating pediatric OSA. The primary reasons for the present evidence's substantial flaws are the small sample size, lack of randomization, lack of a control group and short-term effects. The Pedro Planas device and the principles of neuro-occlusal rehabilitation served as the foundation for the creation of the mandibular advancement apparatus employed in an MAA apparatus study. Two distinct acrylic plates, one mounted over the maxillary arch and the other over the mandibular arch, make up the mandibular advancement device. Two channels created in the occlusal area allow for the occlusion between the plates and subsequent advancement of the mandible. Cofen springs are used to join the two upper half-arches instead of expansion screws. The labial section of the mandibular advancement device suggested in this study, which is situated in the vestibular-mandibular region, also includes an anti-labial appliance. A telescopic tube with a 1.2mm diameter and a guide wire with a 0.7mm diameter were used to maintain maxillary progress. The telescopic tube and guide wire should have a diameter difference of 0.5mm to allow for further lateral mobility of the jaw. The MAA used in this study seeks to advance the mandible, correct dental occlusion and mandibular position, and maybe enhance airway function while treating OSAS. A guide wire with a 5mm diameter should be placed between the telescopic tube and the mandible to allow for additional lateral mobility. The MAA used in this study seeks to advance the mandible, correct dental occlusion and mandibular position, and maybe enhance airway function while treating OSAS. A guide wire with a 5mm diameter should be placed between the telescopic tube and the mandible to allow for additional lateral mobility. The MAA used in this study seeks to advance the mandible, correcting dental occlusion and mandibular position while perhaps enhancing airway function and curing OSA. The AHI increased in the control group, while it dropped after the mandibular advancement device was used, according to the study's findings. Only patients with retrognathic OSA were assessed in this study. Our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the mandibular advancement device in lowering AHI. New research is necessary to ascertain whether the AHI has changed as well as whether the sleep quality and other issues, such as cognition, irritability, sociability, and daytime sleepiness, have improved [39]. Changes in intra-thoracic pressure, stimulation-induced sympathetic reflex activation, and intermittent hypoxia are assumed to be the three biological mechanisms that account for the relationship between OSA and endothelial dysfunction and artery disease. Some of the prominent craniofacial defects in long face, arched palate, skeletal Class II malocclusion, mandibular retrusion and MFS are all examples of MFS exposed bones with a tendency to bite. Class II correction is recommended for adolescents since it enhances nocturnal breathing. Early treatment of According to the effect of obstructive sleep apnea on aortic disease in MFS, skeletal class II is strongly indicated. participants, this at-risk population. Two viable therapies include mandibular advancement with mandibular advancement devices and rapid maxillary expansion (RME) (MAA) (Figure 2). According to the literature, they both enhance the link between the maxillary and mandibular bases and also promote the patency of the upper airways. Marfan syndrome (MFS), a multisystem condition, is inherited autosomal dominantly. An estimated 2 to 3 cases of MFS are associated with the FBN1 gene, which is located on chromosome 15q21 and encodes the matrix protein fibrillin 1. The updated Ghent nosology, which replaces the major and minor diagnostic criteria, is used to diagnose Marfan syndrome [40].

Picture 2.png

Figure 2: Rapid Maxillary Expansion.

For the MFS youngsters, a fixed tooth borne RME device with a Hyrax screw (GAC, Bohemia, NY) was employed to address the posterior transverse discrepancy. Two turns of the screw were turned each day until overcorrection was reached. The device was then employed as a passive retention device (average treatment time ranges from 0.9 0.3 years). After the retention period, the RME was taken out, fresh impressions were made, occlusal registration in the relationship between the incisal edge and edge was achieved, and the Propulsor Universal Light tools (PUL) were made. The PUL appliance is a tooth-borne detachable appliance made up of maxillary and mandibular components that are thermoformed on dental casts, as depicted in Figure 3 (Duran, Scheu - Dental GmbH, Germany).

Picture 3.png

Figure 3: Propulsor Universal Light tools (PUL).

As shown in Figure 4, the mandible is advanced by activating stainless steel coil springs that connect the appliance's maxillary and mandibular components. A 3mm cylindrical coil spring is inserted into the female upper rod to activate the PUL appliance and advance the mandible. The patients were instructed to use the device for a minimum of 14 hours each day. Patients were instructed to wear the appliance at night after mandibular advancement was achieved in order to sustain outcomes (mean treatment time, 1,4 0,2 years).

Picture 4.png

Figure 4: Maxillary and mandibular components of PUL.

The main finding of this study was that, compared to CTR participants, MFS patients' airway patency was considerably improved by the combined effects of RME and PUL therapy. Before and after RME, MFS children had significantly higher OSA prevalence higher AHI than matched control children, but this difference was not present at the end of the course of therapy. Our findings suggest that rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and mandibular advancement are effective OSA prevention measures in this high-risk population of children with Marfan's syndrome. These children had an AHI >5 or >15 percentage that was significantly higher fast maxillary growth before and after, but not after PUL treatment. In addition, we discovered that 30% of all MFS patients began treatment with both an ODI >5 and an AHI >5, which is an improvement compared to the control group. Prior to and following RME, but not at the conclusion of therapy, the MFS group's ODI was noticeably greater than that of the control participants. Based on the MFS mean values of the horizontal linear dimensions before and after RME, some studies claim that the transverse expansion of the maxillary arch has no effect on the sagittal dimension of the upper airways. The PUL appliance's advancement of the functional mandibular causes the horizontal airway's proportions to expand. After receiving PUL therapy, MFS patients' airway patency increased statistically significantly, with values that were extremely similar to those of healthy controls. The average horizontal airway diameters for the two groups did not significantly differ from one another. The fact that the mean value of the vertical upper airway length decreased after RME is a glaring indication of the beneficial effects of palatal expansion on upper airway resistance. According to Poiseuille's law, airflow resistance is inversely proportional to the upper limit of the airway, hence it must be highlighted that narrowing the airway in MFS patients is essential for delaying the onset of OSA. The findings demonstrated that MAD, which significantly changed sleep characteristics and airway dimensions, especially the anteroposterior measurements of the upper airways, while RME, which changed UAL, seemed to serve as a supportive role. This combination of actions may be required for the therapeutic effects of RME and MAD to fully benefit the airways [40].


The clinical outcomes of AT and orthodontic treatment have been described in earlier research. However, the WWSC group was employed as a control in the majority of investigations. In order to determine if AT was more beneficial than watchful waiting in children with mild to moderate OSA, Fehrm et al. undertook a randomized controlled experiment. Only a minor difference was discovered between the groups with the mild changes in OAHI, but following AT, there was a significant improvement in quality of life (as measured by a questionnaire). Additionally, it was found that in terms of changes in the mean OAHI scores, at was more effective in kids with moderate OSA. Pirelli et al. claim that RME therapy helps children with OSA by increasing the capacity of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx. When children with respiratory disorders during sleep, Pavoni and colleagues found that MAD treatment led to a clear reduction in subjective symptoms as well as appreciable improvements in the size and position of the sagittal airway, the hyoid, and the tongue. The combined AT and orthodontic treatment (RME and/or MAD) are more successful than either of them separately for treating OSA in pediatric patients, according to a systematic assessment of the effectiveness of AT and orthodontic treatment.


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